I am a Mathemetics and Computer Science major at Reed College; a railway, electrical engineering, radio, telecommunications, and knot-tying nerd; an amateur system administrator; a Peer Tutor and House Advisor1 at Reed College. Chances are, though, that if you're reading this you know me to some extent already. I've published this website for several reasons: for the sake of doing it; to share the solutions that I've found to personal problems in the hope that others may find them useful; to explain my opinions and convince others of their validity; and to showcase things that I've done. The bulk of useful material in this blog can be found in the index of posts.

A more full explanation of how this website is made is forthcoming, but now it would suffice to say that this website is rendered using Hugo; and set in Bedstead (for post titles), Old Standard (for headings), and Sorts Mill Goudy (for body text). It is hosted on a Linux machine that runs NixOS and the Caddy web server. The files making up this website were edited using nvim and tracked using git.


Often known as a "resident advisor" at other institutions.